

Taking inspiration from Wordle and Squabble, Survivle tests your word solving skills while doing so under time pressure.

Each word is randomly pulled from a dictionary list and all the words consist of 5 letters. While you attempt to solve words, you battle to stay alive by healing damage when you correctly guess words or letters (see " HOW TO PLAY " for more information).

This project is still ongoing so stay tuned for updates!



  • Keep guessing words until you have correctly guessed 6 of them or your health points (HP) run out!
  • You lose 1 HP every second and lose 20 HP when you miss a word within 6 tries.
  • You heal 1 HP for every letter found and heal 20 HP when you correctly guess a word.
  • Yellow letters indicate that the letter is in the word but in a different position.
  • Green letters indicate that the letter is in the correct position.
  • Type "READY" and press ENTER to start